We're Specialised in Courier, Cargo & Logistics Services.

We offer complete Logistics and courier services to corporate and many other business.

The fastest, most reliable, door-to-door day-definite delivery service across India.

In Air Freight Courier, we can offer competitive pricing and on-time delivery of the shipments.

We are here to assist you with any questions or concerns.

    For Business Enquiry, Rates & Pick-Up Booking

    Rameshwar Singh Rajpurohit
    Mobile: +91 9821458404
    Email Us: rameshwar@overseasairfreight.com

    Mahesh Rajpurohit
    Mobile: +919321458404
    Email Us: mahesh@overseasairfreight.com


    Head Office: Office no.12,Plot No.31, sion Mansion, Next to bharat Petrol Pump, Sion Circle, Mumbai – 400022

    Customer Service: +91 9136688333 / +91 7777007021

    Email Us: info@overseasairfreight.com