Dangerous Goods Courier Service

Dangerous Goods Courier Service

Are you in need of reliable, safe, and efficient cargo transportation services? Look no further than Overseas Air Freight Company!

Our company is dedicated to providing our customers with high-quality, dangerous goods and cargo services that ensure secure delivery and peace of mind. We understand that hazardous goods are often needed quickly and that safety and security must come first when shipping these goods. At Overseas Air Freight Company, we take great pride in being one of the best and most reliable companies that offer dangerous goods and cargo services. Our team of dedicated and highly trained professionals takes extra precautions to ensure that your cargo is properly and safely handled during transportation.

Our goal is to make sure your shipments are handled with care and safety throughout the entire process, from packing to transport. We understand the complexities involved with transporting hazardous materials and have experience and knowledge of the appropriate shipping regulations and safety protocols needed for such cargo. We offer a range of dangerous goods cargo services, from containerized and full-containerized shipments to multimodal transportation, specialized for oversized cargo or delicate and fragile items. Our dedicated staff will handle the paperwork so that you can relax knowing your shipment will be secure and arrive in perfect condition. 

No matter the size of the shipment, our staff has the necessary experience to handle all kinds of hazardous materials. Whether you’re looking to transport liquids, chemicals, gas, flammables, combustibles, or explosives, you can count on us to deliver safely and reliably. We know the importance of securing your dangerous goods cargo and will provide a personalized experience for each shipment, ensuring all your goods arrive at their destination safe and sound.

Don’t settle for second best when you’re looking for safe and secure cargo transportation services – get in touch with the professionals at Overseas Air Freight

We deliver your dangerous goods safely and compliantly, anywhere in the world. Call us today for a quote!

Overseas Air Freight Seamlessly Delivering Your Packages Worldwide!


At Overseas Air freight company, we understand that when it comes to the safe and secure transportation of dangerous goods, trust is the highest priority. That is why we have made it our mission to provide our customers with the best possible service for the secure transportation of these goods. We strive to meet all of the regulations for safe and secure transportation, as well as our internal policies and procedures. With an extensive background in the transportation of dangerous goods, our team is ready to help make sure that your cargo reaches its destination on time, without incident. We’ll take all the hassle out of transporting your goods, so you can trust your dangerous goods will arrive at their destination on time and without incident. 

Contact us today to learn more about how our dangerous goods cargo services can meet your needs and keep your goods safe during their journey.

Frequently Asked Questions For Air Freight Cargo Services

What are Dangerous Goods Cargo Services?

Dangerous Goods Cargo Services are specialized shipping and freight services designed to safely transport items that have been deemed dangerous, hazardous, and potentially explosive. Examples of items considered to be dangerous goods are gasoline, acids, corrosive liquids, toxic chemicals, explosives, aerosol sprays, flammable liquids, and radioactive material. Overseas Air Freight Company is your trusted partner in handling and shipping these materials across the world safely and reliably.

What services does Overseas Air Freight Company offer?

Overseas Air Freight Company offers a variety of specialized shipping services including domestic and international freight forwarding, as well as door-to-door service for both cargo and containers. We have a strong track record of providing reliable and secure transport for dangerous goods and offer flexible rates, detailed documentation, and around-the-clock tracking and monitoring of your cargo. In addition, our customer service team is available 24/7 to answer any questions or concerns you may have.

What type of dangerous goods cargo services do we provide?

We offer comprehensive and tailored dangerous goods cargo services for a variety of items. These items may include explosives, corrosive and hazardous substances, and flammable liquids. We also provide specialist training to our staff so that they can accurately handle and transport these items.

What type of precautions do we take when transporting dangerous goods cargo?

At Overseas Air freight company, safety is our highest priority when transporting dangerous goods. All of our vehicles are inspected and approved by relevant safety organizations. Additionally, our staff is highly trained and experienced in the proper procedures to handle and transport dangerous goods cargo safely and securely. We take all the necessary precautions to ensure your items reach their destination in the same condition as they were received.

What are the charges for transporting dangerous goods cargo?

The price of our dangerous goods cargo services depends on a variety of factors including, but not limited to, the weight and size of the cargo, and the destination. If you have any questions regarding the charges of our services, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to provide you with an estimate for the services you require.